Our Teachers

Meet our Yoga teachers

Get to know our teachers!

Get to know our yoga teachers! Whether you’ve been to their class or you’re simply curious to find the right fit, we have many skilled and dedicated teachers offering something unique to create an amazing yoga experience. We hope to see you on the mat soon!


If you have questions for our teachers please reach out to us, we’d love to hear from you!

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Yoga Teacher

Classes I Teach: Vinyasa, Hatha, and Yin

What You Will Experience in My Class: Through each pose, I try to create a relaxed ambiance. Laughter flows freely, fostering connection among participants. Flowing and exploring familiar poses so that you see your progression and hard work. My class resonates with a laid-back energy—a class where you can be yourself and find humor and happiness in your practice.

Why Should You Join: My class is truly for everyone, not only enhancing flexibility and strength but also providing a unique sense of community, laughter, and mindfulness. Joining my class promises a transformative, joyful wellness adventure.

My Favorite Quote: “Don’t worry about a thing ‘cause every little thing is going to be alright” – Bob Marley

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Andrea L.

Yoga Teacher

Classes I Teach: Vinyasa, Hatha, Meditation, Restorative

What You Will Experience in My Class: Expect a nourishing flow practice that includes breathwork, asana, and meditation. A balance between energy and rest. You will be guided to create a sense of space in your body and mind through intentional movement and breath awareness. Each body is unique and I aim to design a class to meet you where you are at. My class offers the opportunity to let go of what is no longer serving you and tap into a deeper sense of self. Students will leave feeling nourished and uplifted. Take this time to fill your cup 🙂

Why Should You Join: Invite more joy into your day! Give yourself this time to drop from your head into your heart. Connect more deeply with yourself through breath and movement and feel the expansion in both mind and body. Leave class with an inner sense of harmony, balance, and peace that will allow you to move through your day with more ease and grace.

My Favorite Quote: “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? Your playing small doesn’t serve the world.” – Marianne Williamson

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Andrea N.

Lead Yin Yoga Teacher Trainer and 200 Hour Training Co-Lead

Classes I Teach: Hatha, Vinyasa, Restorative, Yin

What You Will Experience in My Class: A few students at Yogacara Whistler have nicknamed me 150% Andrea. I encourage students to leave their day, week, year at the door as they enter the sweet, sacred space that Yogacara provides. Students can expect a strong, deep, energetic practice, and I will always provide detailed alignment instruction in order for students to surrender to their practice physically, energetically, and mentally. You will always feel safe and supported in my classes, knowing that it is essential to take care of yourself in your practice with modifications and props because YOGA is for everyone regardless of age, gender, or limitations. You will learn about yourself on your mats, and recognize how powerful Yoga is as preventative medicine. We will create strong intentions together on our mats, propel forward and transform. Yoga is all about being present, doing one thing at a time, and being inspired.

Why Should You Join: Start your Yoga journey today, you deserve it. When you make it to your mat, you are giving yourself the greatest gift. When I arrive on my mat, I am home. It is so beautiful to reconnect with oneself, to be centered, grounded, inspired. I come to my mat to listen. I listen to my heart, my breath and I know I have it all within. I cannot wait to hear what brings you back to your mat over and over again. Be open to the possibilities that Yoga can bring you freedom. Let’s Go!

My Favorite Quote: “The moment one gives close attention to anything, even a blade of grass becomes a mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnificent world in itself.” – Henry Miller

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Yoga Teacher

Classes I Teach: Hatha, Yin, Restorative

What You Will Experience in My Class: Honoring that we all come to yoga with different stories and experiences, I welcome students of all levels and abilities. My classes begin with grounding and presence to the shared space and time. Within the class, I offer self-inquiry to explore variations that work best for each student in that moment. I encourage a fun-loving and self-compassionate approach to the practice.

Why Should You Join: I strive to provide a trauma-sensitive and pain-aware space and welcome students to find safety in their practice. I truly believe that anyone can practice yoga and that yoga should be accessible to all. I am trained in therapeutic yoga and continue to grow my knowledge base and further evolve as a practitioner. My asana, pranayama, and meditation offerings have been carefully studied and are shared with students with intended benefits for overall wellness.

My Favorite Quote: “People will forget what you said. People will forget what you did. But, people will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou

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Yoga Teacher

Classes I Teach: Hatha, Yin, Restorative

What You Will Experience in My Class: A comfortable, thoughtful class that involves all aspects of yoga — breath, focus, asana, meditation, and relaxation. I lead as a “guide” with attention to each participant, making sure everyone is safe, challenged to their level of experience and physical abilities, and enjoying themselves. I meet each participant where and who they are, respecting their space, their strengths, and their individual desires in engaging in yoga.

Why Should You Join: You’ll enjoy yourself, you’ll be engaged, you’ll have fun, and you’ll feel better at the end of the hour (or 75 minutes). Your attention will be called to the present moment as we move through centering, into physical asanas with a call to sharpening your mental focus through breathwork, the setting of intention, and taking the time to move through each posture, each sequence, and the entire class with respect to what you came to find today. I also love to smile and laugh with participants as we find the joy and humor that is integral to yoga and indeed, to life itself.

My Favorite Quote: “When in doubt…twirl.” – Edward Gorey

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Yoga Teacher

Classes I Teach: Hatha, Vinyasa, Yin

What You Will Experience in My Class: I lead classes from a foundation of Iyengar teachings with a focus on cueing for safe alignment in each asana. Providing time in the asana for students to cultivate a connection physically with the body, but also with the movement of the breath in the body during the pose. Gentle encouragement to accept ‘what is’ and to remain focused on the breath throughout the practice provides an opportunity to develop mindfulness and inner peace. My goal is always to support students to ‘feel good’ and develop strength and functional fitness. Smiling is encouraged and welcomed.

Why Should You Join: Whether you are new to yoga, or advanced in your practice, my classes provide an opportunity to listen to your Inner Teacher to make modifications to each asana to best meet your needs for the day. You will feel supported and safe at all times.

My Favorite Quote: “Practice, Practice, Practice”, “Struggle against the way things are, and you will suffer”

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Owner, Yoga Teacher, Yoga Teacher Trainer, and Reiki Master Teacher

Classes I Teach: Hatha, Vinyasa, Restorative, Kundalini

What You Will Experience in My Class: I am inspired to help others find purpose through self-discovery and practical yogic teachings. Students are encouraged to work through a safe range of motion in a practice that encourages compassion, patience, and acceptance. I assist students in embracing each pose with a deeper connection to breath by using clear verbal cues, gentle adjustments, and suggestions that invite curiosity. Variations are always given to establish a supportive space, including how to modify for injuries. My approach to yoga offers an experience that is balanced and mindful while keeping it light-hearted. I love supporting students in using the principles of yoga in everyday life. I hope to inspire inward transformation that can have an impact on the world.

Why Should You Join: I enjoy exploring movement, sharing philosophy, and uncovering the deeper teachings of yoga. I’ve gained a clear understanding of human kinetics, injury recovery, and prevention through studying Kinesiology at the University of British Columbia (BKin). Outside of teaching, I’m an avid snowboarder who’s in love with the outdoors! I strive to create inclusive classes so anyone can join in whether they’re a competitive athlete or a first-time yogi.

My Favorite Quote: “Put your heart, mind, and soul into even the smallest of acts. This is the secret to success.” – Swami Sivananda

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Yoga Teacher

Classes I Teach: Hatha, Vinyasa, Power

What You Will Experience in My Class: You can expect strong alignment focus, to be challenged, feel inspired, but most importantly to laugh and let go. Offering modifications and variations throughout the journey to give students the tools to cater their practice to their own desires and needs.

Why Should You Join: The journey of Yoga is through self-exploration and practice where I want my students to be able to find their inner strength in the physical body as well as emotional and mental mind state. I can’t wait to share my love of yoga with you. See you on the mat!

My Favorite Quote: “A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new” – Albert Einstein

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Yoga Teacher

Classes I Teach: Hatha, Vinyasa, Yin, Restorative

What You Will Experience in My Class: My teaching style is creative, present, and playful. My aim is to provide a calm relaxed environment so participants feel like they can be themselves. That they can arrive at class knowing that they are accepted and space is being held for them. My guiding source is to land in the body with gentle grounding practices then bring movement in with sequences that build or fold into each other. I offer plenty of space for students to check in with themselves and adjust where needed to find support and balance in their practice.

Why Should You Join: Arriving to class isn’t always straightforward. Sometimes it takes so many physical or emotional hurdles to just get in the door. As a mother, I understand this. As a freelance teacher and designer, I understand sometimes time is a barrier. What I would say is that the 60-75 minutes that we get to hold space together breathing and moving I cherish. Sharing yoga and yogic living is a passion. When I did my training I did not expect to teach but then I found these practices so nourishing, beautiful and fortifying that I knew I would have to take a leap of faith and teach. Expect to be breathed, balanced, and perhaps a giggle or two. After all, we are all human. Join me for practice to explore curiosity, wonder, and oneness.

My Favorite Quote: “The Sun Never Says Even after all this time The sun never says to the earth, ‘You owe Me.’ Look what happens with A love like that, It lights the Whole Sky.” – Hafiz

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Yoga Teacher

Classes I Teach: Hatha, Vinyasa

What You Will Experience in My Class: When you come to my class, we will begin the experience by sitting together as I speak about a yoga philosophy based on an everyday life theme. We will then move through a carefully cultivated sequence of asanas (poses) to warm up the body systematically for a “peak” pose that best embodies the class theme. We will then use counter poses to provide a well-rounded full body experience. The class is for all levels, all that is needed is an open mind and commitment to your practice. You will move in my class, maybe even get a bit sweaty, but cues and step-by-step instructions make it easy to follow along. If you come in tired, you will leave feeling invigorated, if you come in wired you will leave restored. Either way, the class will be exactly what is needed.

Why Should You Join: I am Professional Life Coach as well as a yoga instructor, this makes my classes a bit unique in their offerings. My classes embrace the idea of embodiment- the body, mind, and spirit are intertwined and work in unison. In other words, what we think, feel, experience all show up in our bodies and in turn in our lives. In my class, we will work through asanas utilizing the body to uncover our deepest passions and strengths, revealing our authentic selves fostering inner bliss as we move. From this place, we take our yoga learnings into the world to live our best lives.

My Favorite Quote: “Have you had periods in your life when you leapt out of bed in the morning to embrace your day? Once this happens to you, once you live this way, even for a few hours, you will never really be satisfied with any other way of living” – Stephen Cope from The Great Work of Your Life

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Yoga Teacher

Classes I Teach: Vinyasa, Power, Hatha, Restorative, and Yin

What You Will Experience in My Class: Regardless of your yoga experience, my classes are a supported space to unwind, to connect to your mind and body and to share in the joy of movement and breath. My yoga practice is inspired by the world around me, by the infinite wisdom of the Earth, by nature and the seasons. You can expect breathwork, meditation, simple, grounding flows and lots of options for every body. My classes are designed to support you in feeling centred, connected, and alive! I would love for you to join us.

Why Should You Join: I found yoga and meditation as a busy student with a hectic life. The practices became an incredible tool to slow down, to check-in with myself and to provide perspective on the trivialities that can often weigh heavy on us in our busy lives. Since then, yoga has become a pathway back to feeling most myself and the best equipped to show up in the world with compassion and equanimity. There is nothing I love more than sharing and exploring yoga and meditation with others. You should come to my classes if you want to feel empowered, at ease in your body, and connected. All abilities, backgrounds, and bodies are welcome. You don’t have to have done yoga before, and you certainly don’t need to be able to touch your toes!

My Favorite Quote: “We’re all just walking each other home” – Ram Dass

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Yoga Teacher

Classes I Teach: Hatha, Vinyasa, Yin, and Restorative

What You Will Experience in My Class: Yoga for me is about bringing life into balance; mind, body, and soul connected. Students will be encouraged to bring their focus inwards and be in the present moment. Removing the external chaos of the world and focusing on just yourself. I aim to create a class that is accessible to all levels while providing challenging poses to push your limits. I have a passion for the outdoors and use nature as inspiration to teach a grounding and uplifting class. I focus on reminding my students to take deep breaths throughout their practice, encourage students to go outside their comfort zone to improve strength and balance.

Why Should You Join: I aim for my students to leave class with a sense of release and relaxation. I encourage each student to do their best each day, and guide them to build strength and freedom in their lives. Take the time out of your day to honour yourself within, you will leave uplifted with a greater sense of self-awareness. No matter what your day brings, you will always feel better after yoga.

My Favorite Quote: “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.” – Dr. Seuss

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Yoga Teacher

Classes I Teach: Vinyasa, Hatha, Yin, Restorative

What You Will Experience in My Class: Expect smiles, warmth, connection, and stimulation. I teach from a place of joy and support, and guide you to the edges of your comfort zone and beyond. As a teacher, I share tools to break through illusions of mundane life and connect with a deeper, peaceful self. Students benefit from my insatiable curiosity and the nuggets of spiritual, philosophical, personal, and anatomical wisdom that come with it. I am committed to sharing my love of yoga with you.

Why Should You Join: Join me to challenge yourself. Discover peace, discover yourself, and practice your own naturalness. My core values are love, nature, and lightness. May all of your wildest dreams come true.

My Favorite Quote: “Life must be lived as play.” – Plato

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Yoga Teacher

Classes I Teach: Vinyasa, Hatha, Meditation, Mindfulness, Yin

What You Will Experience in My Class: I love to offer you the opportunity to connect to the potential of “you – in the now” and to be fully present for the interrelationship of breath and body movement during a yoga class. The word “Yoga” translates to UNION. My classes are the union of athleticism, mindfulness, meditation and my own 30-year practice on the mat. In any yoga class there is an opportunity to experience the union of breath and body being fully in sync. The body is a powerful access point for mindfulness since it is only ever in the present moment – tapping into body awareness (and getting out of our heads) is a tool to use anytime and anywhere to connect to feeling grounded, centred, and more easeful. The tools I offer in class can go with you off the mat.

Why Should You Join: Join my class if you are looking for an offering that integrates sport-related stretching with breath and mindful movement to support whatever you like to play at in Whistler. My classes draw on my background over decades of study and practice in a range of disciplines including Iyengar and Vijnana yoga traditions. I am also a workplace mindfulness facilitator and I invite you to experience a taste of mindfulness in each of my yoga classes. I support others by teaching what I’ve learned through my own experience, through sport and injury, through life’s real moments and through my training as a fitness instructor, certified yoga teacher and as a trained mindfulness facilitator through the UCLA, Mindful Awareness Research Centre.

My Favorite Quote: “Mindfulness gives you time. Time gives you choice. Choices, skillfully made, lead to freedom.” ― Bhante Henepola Gunaratana

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Yoga Teacher

Classes I Teach: Vinyasa, Power

What You Will Experience in My Class: You’ll be empowered to listen to your body – from stoking the inner fire to taking rest when you need it. We’ll move through a powerful, juicy practice aimed at quieting the mind and leaving the outside world behind. We will pour out what doesn’t serve us so that we can take up space on, and off, our mats.

Why Should You Join: Come land, link breath to movement, and leave feeling better than when you arrived. Together we will make a warm, safe space for all levels, from new students to senior practitioners. We’ll sweat, wring out, find our edges, giggle, learn to love our “no” poses, and celebrate getting out of our comfort zones.

My Favorite Quote: “What will unleash itself in you when your storm comes?” – Lilacs in September, Katha Pollitt

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Yoga Teacher

Classes I Teach: Hatha and Vinyasa

What You Will Experience in My Class: Sweet, heat building, heart opening flow. Students will feel comfortable and cared for in my class, encouraged to deepen their practice with gentle adjustments. Clear, concise cuing. A fluid class that provides a positive experience for all levels of practice. Connected to the teacher in me as I am connected to the teacher in them. I am better with yoga in my life. It brings me peace, soothes my heart and my soul. I want to inspire that in my students.

Why Should You Join: My intention for every class and every student is that they feel better than when they walked into the studio. I am quiet, not chatty during class to hold space for you to be in your own practice on your mat. I love yoga and the sharing of it fills me with joy.

My Favorite Quote: “There is freedom waiting for you on the breezes of the sky, and you ask ‘What if I fall?’ Oh but my darling, what if you fly?” – Erin Hanson

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Victoria K.

Yoga Teacher

Classes I Teach: Vinyasa, Hatha, Power

What You Will Experience in My Class: Trust, strength, beauty and empowerment. I was on the mat once as a student looking to belong, and as a teacher I create the environment where everyone is seen and taken care of. I love “stirring the pot” and leaving you one on one with your thoughts and emotions. Especially with standing balancing asanas and longer pauses, that’s where we slow down the time and understand what we are capable of. I approach the room intuitively and adjust the sequencing as we move just so that you have enough space and time to be yourself. To enjoy this beautiful dance. Naturally, I am also driven to do a lot of hip and heart opening work.

Why Should You Join: I love offering hands-on adjustments if I am given permission. I genuinely offer you to use me as a tool to go deeper in your practice and feel supported to advance if you feel like you’re ready for something new.

My Favorite Quote: “Yoga doesn’t care about what you have been; Yoga cares about the person you are becoming.” – Aadil Palkhivala

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Victoria N.

Yoga Teacher

Classes I Teach: Hatha, Vinyasa, Yin, Restorative

What You Will Experience in My Class:

From the moment you step onto your mat, you enter a sacred space. A space where movement meets meaning, where ancient wisdom blends with modern understanding, and where you’re invited to explore the depths of who you truly are. Through a trauma-informed lens, I weave together asana, yoga philosophy, yogic practices and mobility, all with care and intention. During these classes your breath will guide you, your intention will ground you, and your body will flow through postures as a moving meditation. But yoga is more than just shapes—it is an unfolding, a remembering. This is what I feel my students value the most and what makes each class so unique. In my classes, you will be invited to witness the stories of the mind, to break through the illusions of the mundane, and to listen as the wisdom of the heart emerges.

Each class is an opportunity for self-discovery, a gentle unfolding of your inner world, and a journey toward wholeness. You are welcome here, just as you are.

Why Should You Join: Yoga is an offering to yourself—a practice of self-care, self-discovery, and deep connection. No matter where you are on your journey, you are welcome here. Whether you are new to yoga or experienced, this practice will meet you exactly where you are. Let’s explore, breathe, and move together with joy and curiosity.

My Favorite Quote: “Yoga may not be the ultimate tool for treating trauma, but it is a powerful way to heal and nurture our relationship with our bodies.” Victoria Navarro

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Interested in joining Yogacara Whistler?

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