Inspiration for Yogacara Teachers: Q & A

“What is your practice like?” “What got you into yoga?” “Do you practice the same thing everyday?”

These are just a few of the questions yoga teachers are asked by their students. To offer you some insight into the everyday life, practice, and routines of your favourite yogis we’ve asked a few of our Yogacara teachers to share their inspiration for 2019.


Emily Kane

What does your yoga practice consist of? (i.e. what style, influence, or essential parts of your practice)
My practice changes everyday. It depends on what is going on in my life which determines what I need more focus on. Some days it’s a lot of movement and breathwork (like vinyasa or kundalini) while other times being still and going inwards with a yin or restorative practice is what nourishes me. I also regularly integrate mantra and meditation. When I’m travelling I like to meditate on planes, trains, or buses–I even do a short hatha sequence at the back of the plane when I’m flying! Lately I’ve been practicing more vinyasa with one exception: when I’ve had a long day of snowboarding I like to do a yin/restorative practice afterwards. Contemplating the philosophical values of yoga–on and off of my mat–is also a big part of my practice.
What podcasts/videos/speakers etc. do you love and why?
I just finished watching “Heal” on Netflix which I absolutely loved for many different reasons. It’s a documentary discussing the mechanisms of healing including the mental and spiritual elements contributing to health. It featured cameos from a few of my favourite speakers/authors including Marianne Williamson and Deepak Chopra but also from doctors and health practitioners. The discussions on metaphysics, energy, and self-talk offered plenty of good insight.
I’ve also been watching Jay Shetty’s videos on social media (like YouTube). I think he provides a lot of inspiration for living a fulfilled life.
What are your favourite activities to do off of your mat?
I’ve been snowboarding a lot! My personal goal for this season is to do 100 days–so far I have 39 days here in Whistler and 6 from Japan. It’s something I’ve always wanted to do and committing to doing something I love consistently has been really empowering. I consider it part of my self-care and spiritual practice. In the summer I love hiking and being out in nature; I’m already planning overnight backcountry trips into the wilderness. Outside of my mat and the mountains you’ll find me reading, writing, travelling, and plant-based cooking. And of course spending time with with my husband, Kevin, our cat, Kali, and the community of friends we have here in Whistler.
Want to connect with Emily?
Visit her website here and join her on Instagram here.

Janet Corvino

What books have inspired you that everyone should read in 2019?
Bliss More by Light Watkins. This book changed my meditation practice! After twenty years of meditating, Light Watkins simplified the process for me in a way that made sense.  He also explained in “every day” language how the brain works in meditation. The book is light reading for all not  just yogis and even non yogis love it. I am having the deepest meditations of my life and really feeling the benefits in my life.
What are you looking forward to the most over the next year?
I am so stoked for the coming year. I am the type of individual who loves new adventures and constantly learning new skills. I just love the feeling of expanding my parameters. I am not one for living in the status quo. This year I am studying to become an Alignment Coach with CTI. I am back in the classroom and home studying most days. I am a book nerd so I am in heaven. This Spring/Summer I will begin to Coach individuals to live their best life, to find purpose and align with their values. I just can’t wait for this adventure!!
What are your favourite activities to do off of your mat?
I have two favourite activities that are totally opposite of each other! I LOVE to be at home with my family. I have been married for 24 years to such a great man and I have two incredible daughters 16 and 19. We have so much fun hanging out together cooking or going for walks with our dogs. Life is simple with my family but so nourishing. I am such a homebody. Everything I need is there.  On the other hand, I LOVE to travel gypsy. I really enjoy getting out into the world and learning about new cultures. I find traveling with a purpose,  be it volunteer work or yoga deepens the experience for me. In the past 5 years, I developed a Yoga Retreat company just so I could travel more and share this experience with my yoga peeps. In a typical year I travel to Nepal, India, Bali, Japan, Italy, Greece and Iceland. I have made friends all over the world and deepened many of my yoga relationships as well. I have deep gratitude for my loving family and feel truly blessed by my travels.
Want to connect with Janet?
Visit her website here.

Jodi Dodd

What does your yoga practice consist of? (i.e. what style, influence, or essential parts of your practice)
My practice consists of a variety of styles.  Lately, I’ve been managing an injury and working on restoring balance, so it’s been more gentle restorative practices.  I’m grateful to live in a community with so many great teachers, and I try to make it to studio classes when I can.  If my schedule won’t allow it, I love to follow guided online practices through
What books have inspired you that everyone should read in 2019?
For teaching Yoga:  “Health, Healing and Beyond” by T.K.V Desikachar
For fun/life/inspiration:  “Never Broken: Songs are Only Half the Story”  by Jewel
Do you have any essential self-care routines?
Getting up early enough each day so I have time for a personal practice every morning before I go out to start the day and give my energy to others. These practices include meditation, pranayama, movement (asana practice), writing/journalling, or sometimes just slowly drinking my coffee in a quiet space.
Want to connect with Jodi?
Visit her website here.

Marie-Soleil Boisvert

What does your yoga practice consist of? (i.e. what style, influence, or essential parts of your practice)

My practice consists of a daily morning sequences to wake up the body, warming up the spine with gentle movement with the influence of qi gong, and flow. I love the embodied flow yoga which i was recently trained and try to incorporate it in my daily practice, by bringing awareness to all systems of the body from bones, organs all the way to cells.

What podcasts/videos/speakers etc. do you love and why?

Adyashati, Ram Das for their wit and enlightening messages through their own experiences

Do you have any essential self-care routines?
My self care starts 1st thing in the morning with a 5 minute meditation in bed, then oil pulling and tongue scraping, followed by a drink of warm lemon tumeric water. Then I sit on my yoga mat and roll with the stick (a self massage tool) to warm up the body and increase blood flow. I then follow what my body and mind are asking for that day.
Want to connect with Marie-Soleil?

Visit her website here.


Nicola Bentley

What are your favourite activities to do off of your mat?

I love to be outdoors anytime of year. I love walking in the woods, paddle boarding, cycling, kayaking, skiing, skate skiing and hiking. I’m also an avid reader and I’m passionate about writing about wellness.

What are you looking forward to the most over the next year?

With each year comes new opportunities to draw on my three decades long meditation and yoga practice to be mindful and present in all that I do.

Do you have any essential self-care routines?

Being outdoors in nature is essential to my self-care, as is getting enough sleep!